Leading and Coaching Across Cultures / Cultural Orientations Framework (COF) certification programs

By attending one of our advanced international seminars for executives, HR/LD professionals, executive coaches, consultants and interculturalists, you will learn how to leverage cultural differences of all kinds to promote creativity, boost performance and enable unity with individuals, teams and organizations.
You will become certified to use the Cultural Orientations Framework (COF assessment), a roadmap to navigate the cultural terrain

The three-day seminar is a combination of interactive presentations, intercultural coaching practice followed by individualized feedback and suggestions, individual reflection, peer coaching, group discussions, individual and group assessment, action learning, case studies, and group presentations.

The feedback we typically hear from our participants is: “I have lived what I have learned” (how to leverage cultural differences)!


In our multicultural and fast-changing environment, it is essential to embrace diversity, bridge cultural gaps, learn from cultural differences for more creativity, allowing us to act responsibly, overcome divisions, live meaningfully and strive for internal and external unity. Leadership and coaching that integrates multiple perspectives is a powerful vehicle for enabling sustainable and global success for ourselves and others. This program focuses on the cultural perspective in the context of a broader vision that also integrates physical, managerial, psychological, political and spiritual perspectives.

Based on his pioneering book Coaching Across Cultures, which has been chosen by the Harvard Business School as its featured book recommendation for business leaders, Philippe Rosinski partners with select organizations to offer a seminar that has already been acclaimed around the world.

The program’s main objective is to equip executives, managers, HR professionals, professional coaches, trainers and consultants from all kinds of organizations to systematically integrate the cultural dimension into their work. It is also destined for interculturalists eager to integrate coaching into their work. Participants learn how to release higher potential in individuals enabling greater and sustainable success by making the most of alternative cultural perspectives.

Key benefits

  1. Become aware of your current cross-cultural orientations, cultural norms, values and beliefs;
  2. Discover how to expand your cultural worldview and behavioural repertoire for greater impact;
  3. Learn to identify others’ cultural orientations and effectively bridge cultural gaps;
  4. Learn how to maximize opportunities from cultural diversity to promote creativity and unity;
  5. Discover creative solutions to leverage cultural differences and address complex, multidimensional challenges.
  6. Become certified to use and administer the COF online assessment with individuals, teams and organizations;
  7. Discover an integrated coaching approach calling upon multiple perspectives (physical, managerial, psychological, political, cultural and spiritual) to foster sustainable and global success (for self & others);

Become part of an emerging and leading network of global professionals and executives.

As a result of the program, participants will notably

  • Have acquired a vocabulary to describe cultural differences and becoming mindful of these cultural variations for essential activities such as communicating, thinking, organizing, managing time, defining one’s purpose, exercising one’s responsibility, etc.;
  • Be COF certified, and thus equipped to leverage cultural differences when leading or coaching individuals, teams and organizations;
  • Become more conscious of the interconnected nature of our reality and the advantage of juggling multiple perspectives (ranging from the physical to the spiritual) when leading or coaching in complex situations.

To check our event calendar, obtain our brochures
with details and registration forms

The program is more than a three-day seminar.

It starts with pre-work before the workshop: this is an opportunity for reflection and preparation, to ensure participants can make the most of the seminar. It continues with the opportunity to liaise with an international alumni group of over 350 LCAC participants and to apply the learnings to a first concrete COF project.

And at no additional cost, the lead trainer is available to guide each participant

  • To set up his/her first COF project. (The only cost is the purchase of COF licenses, which are offered at a reasonable price).
  • To become Master COF certified. (The participant essentially needs to provide evidence that he/she has successfully used the COF assessment in a substantial client project. More details can be found at https://www.cofassessment.com/faq/#certification. The COF certification obtained at the end of the three-day seminar is enough though to be able to use and administer the COF assessment).
It is an amazing tool that Philippe is bringing into the world. It helps families, teams and organizations to really start to understand each other, to appreciate & leverage similarities and differences, and to become more powerful in the way that they work together.
Lesley Lee
Professional Coach, Peru
A very interesting session that not only provides practical tools but also opens up mind and generates inspiration.
David Chen
Chief Human Resources Officer SUEZ Asia, Hong Kong
I had the pleasure to participate in Philippe`s COF certification seminar. With several other international coaches and HR specialists we experienced high qualified learning and exercising. Philippe is combining theory and pragmatic examples in a unique way. He is an expert in his field and connects in a wonderful way to his audience. I enjoyed every minute.
Dr. Bettina Al-Sadik-Lowinski
Researcher, Author, International Executive Coach, Germany
Having had the chance to participate in this seminar, I can only wholeheartedly recommend it for the quality of the interventions and the pertinence of the transcultural approach developed by Philippe Rosinski. This interactive certification seminar is for any person in a leadership position and/or supporting individuals and teams, eager to liberate the potential residing in cultural diversity. We know that building team cohesion and synergies is not straightforward. This seminar has the merit of offering concrete ways and powerful tools to explore and capitalize on cultural differences, and to transform these into sources of learning and cooperation.
Martine Neyen
Consultant, Luxembourg