Executive Coaching

We help executives to take full advantage of their qualities and to overcome pitfalls that may hinder their effectiveness, in the pursuit of challenging and meaningful objectives.
We have pioneered a powerful global/integrated coaching approach to help leaders address their complex challenges.

Coaching is action-oriented in that it helps the executive define and achieve concrete objectives. The process builds upon the executive’s successes and helps reach higher levels of performance and fulfillment.

The coaching process invites the executive to act upon his/her self-awareness about, in particular, leadership style, interpersonal behaviors, preferences and motivators.

Our unique integrated coaching approach has been described in Philippe Rosinski’s seminal books Global Coaching and Coaching Across Cultures.

The program spans over a period to be agreed upon (typically six months or one year) and implies a significant commitment from the executive.

The sessions are scheduled by the executive and the executive coach at mutually convenient times, face-to-face or over teleconference (e.g., Zoom, Teams) when appropriate.

Moreover, sessions can also be organized (typically at the onset, mid-term and at the end) take place with the executive’s manager, with the HR referent, the executive and the coach. These meetings help ensure that we can all be aligned on some of the program objectives (i.e., those connected to making a positive difference at the executive’s company) and all parties work in concert to support the executive’s leadership development effort through regular feedback exchanges.

Each intervention includes:

  • reviewing the company’s background information,
  • providing an in depth assessment using a range of psychometric instruments (as appropriate), as well as
  • design and preparation time.

The executive coach is flexible and as much as possible, available when urgent coaching is solicited: for example, to bounce back ideas or seek guidance before an important meeting or presentation.

Strict ethics are obviously applicable. The sessions are confidential. Rosinski & Company will not divulge the content of the sessions, nor release personal information/data about the executive coach unless given explicit authorization by the executive. This allows creating a safe environment where candid exchanges and authentic exploration can take place, which leads to genuine commitment and resolute actions, resulting in greater impact.

I was very dubious before starting. I am now enthusiastic and extremely positive. My executive coach enables me to go further. Nothing seems impossible.
Didier Dallemagne
Senior Vice President, Unilever
Philippe Rosinski is very charming, open, listening, easy to deal with, while at the same time very much results-oriented and clear about goals. I found him very stimulating and inspiring. He was always very well prepared and I very much related to his structured approach. The whole experience has been fascinating. It has changed me and the way I work in a substantial way. As a manager, I have become more effective, more efficient, more confident and better able at coaching others.
Wim Van der Smissen
Finance Director, Unilever
My experience with you as my coach has been wonderful! I've really appreciated your candor and insights, your questions and comments, and the distinctions you've drawn. In addition, I've appreciated the ``who`` of you. I've experienced you as warm, caring, professional, open, trustworthy, respectful and collaborative. All of these I admire.
Linda Miller
Executive Coach-Global Liaison for Coaching Services, The Ken Blanchard Companies
Je tiens à remercier Philippe pour son support lors de notre période de coaching. Comme directeur médical d'un hôpital de référence de chirurgie et de traumatologie d'urgences d'une capacité de 121 lits d'hospitalisation, avec plus de 450 employés, j'ai appris beaucoup de choses en termes de management d'équipe, j'ai pu acquérir de meilleures techniques de communication avec mes différents collaborateurs. Il m'a aidé à identifier et à développer certaines qualités importantes qu'un bon manager doit cultiver et mettre en application dans l'exercice de ses fonctions afin d'être plus efficace dans son travail et atteindre les objectifs fixés. Je t'en suis très reconnaissant.
Dr Olriche Saint-Juste
Directeur Médical, Médecins Sans Frontières Haïti
Important, mes séances de coaching avec Philippe me réjouissaient. J’étais tiraillé entre des choix professionnels et personnels, des avis divergents, des pressions ressenties ou réelles, résultant dans un grand flou. Parler, mettre des mots sur ces situations compliquées, sur des sentiments difficiles à cerner, a contribué à mettre de l’ordre dans mes idées. Philippe pose les bonnes questions et a une écoute bienveillante, le challenge est constructif et permet de trouver des nouvelles pistes de solutions. Il m’a subtilement forcé à dépasser certains biais limitants et poussé à découvrir des façons de tirer au mieux parti des différences. L’analyse de tests auquel il m’a soumis permettait aussi de mieux me comprendre et de corriger mes attitudes, notamment envers mes collaborateurs. Philippe m’a transmis quelques techniques de management, simples et pratiques (j’adore le OK-OK !), qui m’ont permis d’aborder des problèmes de façon plus direct et efficace. L’incitation à prendre soin de mon corps (« c’est un droit et une condition de réussite ») m’a réveillé aussi et poussé à l’action. Finalement, Philippe m’a aidé à baliser ma route, prendre une direction et me faire avancer à un rythme qui me convient. Je suis quelqu’un de créatif et de jovial, tout en gardant ces atouts, j’ai pu mieux canaliser mon énergie, gagner en rigueur, et donc en efficacité.
Pierre Paul De Schrevel
Managing Director, Bank Degroof
Working with Philippe has been a gift that I have been able to unwrap over the course of almost 9 months. With every interaction the gift got more valuable. It has contributed to my own personal development as a leader and has helped as well to grow the skills sets of my team members.
Patrick de Groot
CEO Fluid Control, Aalberts N.V.
Leadership is a continuous learning journey, mostly about oneself. I have had the privilege of receiving an executive coaching from Philippe. This is a critical path for me to move on to the next level in my career. Philippe is an authentic, empathic and driving coach. His approach is a comprehensive one: how can I better articulate my next steps, how can I be a better leader with my teams and new ecosystem, how can navigate in a complex organization, while staying true to my values and most importantly how can I better take care of my health and work-like balance. Like a top league sport coach, Philippe is an excellent sparing partner, asking the right and tough questions. I really value our coaching sessions and feel that I would have never got where I am today without his executive coaching.
Catherines Rives
Vice President, UCB